Sunday, 10 November 2013

The fear of Cancer

The interesting thing about cancer treatment is firstly, the fear that everyone has about it. Cancer the disease is one thing. Cancer, the treatment is where the real fear is spread. Chemotherapy causes horrendous damage to a body that is already tired & only barely chugging along. When your immune system takes a hit, the police force is at an all time low and the crime rate rises. You're susceptible to getting sick from any passing bugs. Your liver is overloaded and in turn your blood lacks the oxygen and nutrition to maintain healthy cells. Wham! In comes a load of radioactive waste pumped into your veins, sickening all of those already struggling cells, bombarding you with poison. Your hair falls out immediately, your skin thins and can fall off, your hormones to absolutely hay-wire, your liver goes into overdrive to clear out this toxic waste. It can't cope and so begins the downward spiral. 
Imagine what would happen if you supported your immune system, nourished your body, apologised for never listening in the past, giving yourself a break? 

If food can create a new cell and a whole new body (even on burgers & chips!) surely we can give it credit that it can heal itself when it's sick? I cut my finger and Wow! new skin grows. In a few days it's perfect again. I break a bone and it heals, good as new. I expect these to heal, why? (I never questioned anything) Kiss it better! My body is complicated though and it all works as one system. What happened when the taxis went on strike in Dublin City? Chaos! Traffic had to go alternative routes. Everywhere else became congested. What happens if I remove my lymph gland? I don't even know what it's use is, but the surgeon told me that I don't need it. Now I question everything! He certainly doesn't need my lymph gland and to be really cynical, he's in a job when there's surgery to be performed. 
I don't want to knock the surgeon who does a really good job but my point is to empower myself and whoever else may never (thankfully!) have thought about this sort of huge decision before. 
I read about Lymph glands and yes, I do need it! Just like those taxis causing chaos & congestion everywhere else. I take out a lymph gland here, a gall bladder there, appendix, a uterus, a kidney etc and what happens? 

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