Vitamins & Minerals
Liposome Encapuslated Vitamin C
Liquid Vitamin D
My kitchen has more stock than the Health store! |
Iodine from seaweed and Kelp supplement
Food Supplements
Antioxidant (excellent!) -Astaxanthin
Antioxidant drink- Mistify (Mistica)
Apricot Kernels
Arganine - as ProArgy~9 Plus
Bee Pollen
Cacao nibs
Chlorella - Fantastic detox properties
Chlorophyll blood cleanser - Phytolife
Garlic capsules - Allicin Max
Kidney support - Uva Ursi
Spirulina - Rich in Iron, boosts Immune System
Wheat grass powder
My Vinaigrette Ingredients
Apple cider vinegar
Flax oil - Organic Cold Pressed
Sesame Oil - Organic Cold Pressed
My Indulgences!
Coconut butter - Raw Organic Cold Pressed - by the spoonful or mixed with
Cacao Powder - for delicious chocolate (adding some forbidden honey of course)!!
Bentonite clay & Psyllium husks for internal cleansing
Delicious Bewley's coffee - Used for enemas :( More on them in treatments...
The tumour is not the cancer! The cancer unfortunately, comes back after you cut out the tumour, if you never change your lifestyle. Phillip Day from 'Food Matters' video
Roger takes 'The Mother' Apple cider vinegar, I think its Oslers organic - for arthritis. Eileenxxxxxxxxxxx