Sunday, 10 November 2013

Sweet poison

As I said earlier, the body is very forgiving and I can't see the chaos so I believe the doc. I'm cured! Back to coffee & muffins! Slowly the decay sets in. Bang! It came out of the blue with no warning...
Cancer cells grow in areas where oxygen can no longer get through to feed the healthy cells. It's like running a generator when the electricity goes off and instead of losing the contents of the fridge, you switch to the alternative energy source. These cells are the emergency repair team that are called upon when you cut your finger for example. They work quickly to repair the damage because they require no oxygen to work. Guess what their food of choice is? Yep, Sugar! 15 times more sugar than normal cells. By the way, did the Doc explain this to you as you left the consultation room with your newly discovered cancer? No, of course not! Go and have a coffee & muffin in the hospital cafe to calm the nerves. That'll help! It seems that doctors think that nutrition and illness are somehow unrelated. 
Cancer is not some invasive enemy that arrived to take over your body. On the contrary, it is the body's last resort at keeping your cells alive when it is so clogged up that the oxygen delivery truck can't get through because various blockades and smog on the streets.  The cancer cells are fast growing and there's no proper off switch when they're not in a healthy environment. Clear the smog, open the roadway, cut out feeding them sugar, supply real nourishment and it's amazing your body will heal. 
In my body, there are cysts on my ovaries, a large fibroid in my uterus, nodules in my lungs and a fibroid like lump in my liver. I thought I was relatively healthy. Luckily the hospital tests gave me a virtual map of what's going on inside me and it's enough to shock me in to immediate action to repair all the damage. 
The surgeon read out the list of findings and I was horrified. He calmed me by advising that they're only part of the furniture, like a mole on the skin or something! He's the well informed doctor who plans of cutting off both my breasts, recreating them to a nice B cup, removing my lymph gland, filling me full chemo drug to swamp a 2cm tumour and any possible rogue cells. It's like the Vietnam war and there's no way I'll do that to my precious body. Who can save me in 6 years time when I return with liver cancer? I'm considered a cancer survivor by that stage. 46 years old, sick from chemotherapy, possible continued lifelong menopausal symptoms (another side effect that I was warned of) and with all sorts of contamination still inside of me long after the final peace treaty was signed. Unfortunately my body would have paid a heavy price for that war.
Sorry little dish; No more Pasta for a while :(

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