It was me being aware of what I've been doing rather than beating myself up about it.
Superficially delicious, deceptively malicious,
Tea & biscuits, Cakes and Buns
Go on, have another one, Go on, have another one.
It's a treat, you deserve it;
Tired, stressed and needing comfort!
I'm so cleverly addicted, won't admit that I'm afflicted,
Tea & biscuits, Cakes and Buns
Every other part of me, screams out its wisdom,
Switched to mute, so long ago,
My dictator brain now runs the show,
What would my dumb body know?
One lump or two, it's a treat,
both breasts, you deserve it,
Tea & biscuits, Cakes and Buns
Superficially delicious,
Tea & biscuits, Cakes and Buns